Admission Fee, Annual Fee, Term Fee, PTA Fee and Staff Welfare fund Caution deposit should be paid at the time of admission.
Students who are already studying in the school need not pay Admission fee and Caution deposit.
Anyone admitted during the course of the year will have to pay all the fees for the previous part of the academic year.
All the fees should be remitted at the School Office. Tuition fees should be remitted annually or termly on or before the date specified failing which a fine of Rs. 5 will have to be paid on every subsequent day.
School hours are from 9.20 am – 3.40 pm
All students should have a minimum of 95% attendance to his/her credit in an academic year to be considered for promotion. Unauthorized absence for a period of 15 days and above will lead to the removal of the student’s name from the rolls. Every absence, delay, permission, request, explanation and other exceptions must be entered in the forms which can be bought from the office, at the cost of Rs.1. Xerox copies of the forms will not be accepted. No student will be sent home even if it is urgent, unless accompanied by a duly authorized person. In case of long leave due to illness, a medical certificate will have to be produced.
Students should always keep themselves clean.
While attending school they should wear clean and well pressed school uniform. No tight uniforms are allowed.
Pupils must be in the class rooms by the first bell. Those who come earlier are expected to sit in their class rooms preparing their lessons in silence.
If at the start of the class no teacher has arrived, the class leader should see that the order and silence is maintained.
During intervals and play time pupils should not go out of the school campus. They should avoid unwarranted shouting, fighting or the use of discourteous language. All complaints should be brought to the notice of the class teacher.
Pupils are not allowed to cut the classes. If a parent/guardian desires to take his child home during class hours, he might do so only if permitted by the principal.
Pupils are expected to keep the class rooms and the school premises clean. They should not disfigure the walls or leave scraps here and there, or cause damage to any school property. The loss or damage of school property will be realized from the person concerned.
Pupils are not permitted to bring to school books other than the class or library books.
No pupils shall wear valuable jewelers or ornaments while attending school.
Parents can meet pupils during school hours only with the permission of the principal.
Parents should avoid going to classrooms when the school is in session.
Parents must inform the school any changes in address promptly.
The parents should check the diary daily to see if there are any directions from the teacher or principal. All pupils should bring diaries on all days.
Pupil should attend the school regularly and punctually. Habitual latecomers will not be allowed to enter their classes without the permission from the principal.
Pupils are not allowed to enter the other classes even during intervals.
Pupil should bring all necessary books according to the time-table and should take care of their things.
The principal may expel a student whose work and conduct is not satisfactory.
All assignments are to be regularly done and submitted; students should get them corrected by the teacher.
Students must have genuine love for their school and should try to keep its tone very high. No one should do anything that would bring discredit to oneself and to the school.
The students should reach the School before the first bell at 9.20 am. The gates of the school will remain closed from 9.20am - 3.40 pm
Students should bring their School diary every day.
Irregular attendance, habitual negligence in School work, lack of interest in studies, dishonesty, use of obscene words or acts of serious misconduct in or outside the School are sufficient reasons for removal of the student from the School rolls.
Any damage done to the School property or to the other students will have to be made good.
Students suffering from any contagious or infectious disease will not be allowed to attend the class.
No books, other than School books should be brought to the School.
Report on conduct and the monthly report on studies has to be signed by the parents or guardians.
Leave is granted only on sound reasons and that too on application by the guardians.
Students who are absent for the Terminal Examinations for any reason, other than sickness supported by a doctor’s certificate, will be considered failed in that particular examination.
In special circumstances an application for leave can be directly submitted to the Principal.
Results will be declared at the end of the academic year on the notice board.
A student failing in any class will be given one more chance to continue in the same class and even then, if there is no improvement he/she will not be permitted to continue in the School.
Personal hygiene of the student: The uniform must be clean, complete and well dressed.
Hairstyle of girls: Short haircuts with bow upto the Std. V and double plaits with hair bands for Std. VI to IX
Hair style of boys : Short haircuts.
Nails should be trimmed. There should be no bangles, no chains and no anklets. Only ear studs are allowed.
Children are not allowed to keep flowers on their hair.
Watches are not allowed till Std.V. Students of Std.VI and above can use simple watches (not fancy).
Students should not wear gold ornaments. No toys/play materials should be brought to School. Exchange of money or any other transactions are not allowed among students.
Students are responsible for the safety of their own belongings. The School will not assume any responsibility for the loss of the students' belongings. Identity card, diary, badges borrowers register if lost, will be charged Rs.100 for a new one. If progress report is lost Rs.500 will be charged.
Parents are expected to co-operate with the School authorities in enforcing regularity and discipline of their wards and inculcating the habit of hard work and systematic learning.
Parents should sign the Test Reports or all other reports so requested every Friday
Parents are advised to peruse the student’s diary for any information from the School and also check their notebooks and see whether their children are doing their home work noted in them.
Parents should inform the School about the change of their address and mobile number if any.
Nobody is allowed to meet the teachers other than at the specified time without the permission from the Principal.
Entry to the school premises is restricted to staff and students only. Parents/guardians should meet their wards or enter the School premises only with the permission of the authorities.
All communication (request, complaint) made by parents/guardian should be addressed to the Principal and not to the Class teacher and all correspondence from the School to the parents will go through the Principal.
All articles like Tiffin boxes, umbrellas etc. should be marked with name, class and division. This will help to return the articles to the respective owners.
Reasonable complaints can be brought to the notice of the authorities.
Guardians should refrain from making any unwanted remarks about the staff members in the presence of their children.
Kindly make it convenient to be present for the Parent's Sangamon whenever it is called for.
Parents/guardians are always welcome to the School to keep a check on the progress of their children but it should never be a hindrance to the regular working of the School.
Transfer Certificate at the request will not be issued unless the entire fee for the particular academic year is paid off.
Fee once remitted will not be refunded in case of cancellation of the admission.
Application for all kinds of certificate or permission should reach the School office at least 5 days prior to the requirement.
Parents can propose suggestions for the improvement of the School. Your suggestion will be given due consideration by School authorities.
Parents are requested to read the rules carefully and see that they are being followed. Please note that the rules are subject to modification in the interest of the students and the School.
KG Section
Red check colored shirt with half sleeves plain collar and Red shorts. Dark Red socks and black shoes.
Class I to IV
Striped shirt with half sleeves and Navy blue shorts. Dark blue socks and black shoes.
Class V to XII
Plain Navy blue loose pants and stripped half sleeves shirt. Dark blue socks and black shoes.
Class LKG and UKG
Plain red frock with box pleats, check collar and puff sleeves. Red socks and black shoes.
Class I to IV
Plain brown frock with box pleates, stripped collar and puff sleeves. brown socks and black shoes.
Class V to XII
Blue stripped coloured top with plain Navy blue over coat, plain Navy blue bottom. Dark brown socks and black shoes.
white uniform on Wednesdays, white shoes and white socks socks (with brown coat for girls).